Saturday, March 1, 2008

And Survey Says....

Foreign Policy Magazine has teamed up with the Center for a New American Security and surveyed 3,400 active and retired officers in the US military (link). One of the questions was "What are the two most important things the US government must do to win the war on terror?" 73% of those who responded said "Improve Intelligence." Albeit that statistic is significantly high, it should be at 100%. It is because the US military is so powerful against conventional armies is why terror and insurgency groups rely on asymmetrical warfare. The US can not engage the these groups head-on, for they will only be worn down by numerous hit-and-run attacks . When the US has the ability to outsmart those groups will the tables be turned and that only comes from having a good, actionable intelligence.


A short clip from the people at GOOD Magazine covering the meanings of various capitals found around the world.